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GreenSpirit Newsletter

~ We are a network of people who practise loving our living planet ~

January 2024

GreenSpirit Calendar 2024: 

Living with the Seasons

The 2024 GreenSpirit Calendar: Living with the Seasons is on sale.

If you are a GreenSpirit member, you should have received the calendar as part of your membership subscription. If you are not a member, you can join GreenSpirit here:

Anyone (including non members) can buy one or more copies of the calendar by credit/debit card or cheque (in the UK). The cost is:

* £9.00 by post in the UK
* £14.50 by post overseas

To pay by credit/debit card, go to:!/

To pay by cheque in the UK p
lease make your cheque payable to “GreenSpirit” and include the address that you want the calendar(s) sent to. Send your cheque and details to GreenSpirit, 137 Ham Park Road, Forest Gate, London. E7 9LE.

Please allow up to 3 weeks for delivery in the UK and abroad. 

Trustee Recruitment

GreenSpirit is celebrating nearly 30 years at the forefront of change, and we are seeking ways of expanding our reach, looking to recruit new Trustees (Council Members) who can help us diversify our appeal to wider audiences. We are particularly keen to talk to younger people and those who might come from, or who are connected to, minority and underrepresented communities.

Do you have a passion for our unique and beautiful planet and hold a desire to be the change you want to see in our world? Might you feel called to play an active role in our small dynamic environmentally/spiritually based charity? If so please get in touch and we can have a conversation about what is expected of a trustee and, most importantly, how YOUR unique passion, skills and interests can blossom amongst us. We’re waiting to hear from you!

Please contact the chair – Janice Every -

Anam Cara – Online - Daytime

Fortnightly (1st and 3rd Wednesday of each month at 10am except in school hols). Next meetings:

Wednesday 17th January 2024 10:00am

Wednesday 7th February 2024 10:00am

A gathering of souls who sense they are on a journey; for companionship and support.

Discover and behold one another at the level of the heart. Creating/developing friendships we will extend compassion and aspire toward an authentic, organic spiritual transformational connection of mutual empowerment and blessing — “giving by receiving” and “receiving by giving”. We will begin each session with a check-in and the creation of sacred space, (with meditation, a reading or silence). Then, maybe with the help of some questions we will share from our hearts and witness the sharing of others.

Click here for the facebook event for 17th January.

The zoom link details are:

Meeting ID: 829 3206 2741

Passcode:   834410

Conversation Cafe - online

Thursday 18th January 19:00 - 20:15 GMT

Jenny Joyce & Hilary Norton invite you to join our "Conversation Café" - a simple, hospitable, empathetic space where feelings & uncertainties about our future and the complexities of our world can be safely expressed. World events impact us all in many ways, and it can be hard to share our thoughts and feelings. We don't have the answers, but sharing helps us to build some resilience to deal with inevitable changes. This is an advice-free zone where all feelings are welcome!

Feel free to bring a cuppa, biscuits, etc.

The facebook event is at:

For the zoom link, contact Hilary Norton at:

Imbolc - online

Monday 29th January at 19:00 GMT

Imbolc, also known as Candlemas, occurs at the beginning of February. It marks the middle of Winter and holds the promise of Spring. 

The days are suddenly getting longer. At this time of the returning of the light our ancestors lit bonfires and candles to celebrate the rebirth of the land. With the coming of the light we look forward to warmth and new life.

We will celebrate Imbolc on Zoom with lighting candles to represent our intentions and desires for the coming year, and offerings to Brigid, the Goddess of our Hearths.

The facebook event is at:

Join us on Zoom to celebrate the Winter Solstice. The zoom details are:

Meeting ID: 840 7941 4983

Passcode: 413541

2024 is the 25th Anniversary Year of GreenSpirit Magazine

2024 is the 25th Anniversary Year of GreenSpirit Magazine, which is free for members, and is published in both print and electronic format. Every issue includes essential topics connected with Earth-based spirituality.

For more information about the magazine, see:


We will have a special 25th Anniversary edition of the magazine with the Spring 2024 edition which will be published in March.

To get your copies of the magazine, either buy the most recent magazine as an individual copy here or join GreenSpirit here and also enjoy all of the other benefits of membership.

Video: Imbolc - The Festival of the Earth Awakening

Enter into the experience and meaning of Imbolc through this short, meditative video. Falling mid-way between the Winter Solstice and the Spring Equinox, Imbolc is one of the eight Celtic festivals in the year. It happens around the beginning of February and signifies the rebirth of the land and the coming of spring.

Please like and subscribe if you'd like to see more!

See a page with all of the celebrations through the year here:

And a playlist of all of the celebrations here: 

Produced in 2022 by Piers Warren (

Book Reviews

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Meister Eckhart’s Book of Darkness and Light: Meditations on the Path of the Wayless Way

by Jon.M.Sweeney and Mark S. Burrows

Reviewed by Chris Holmes.

I was first introduced to Meister Eckhart (c1260- c1328) back in the 1990s, through a talk on audiocassette by Matthew Fox. It was Matthew Fox who inspired the Creation Spirituality movement with its love for creation – this was the beginnings of GreenSpirit and Matthew Fox often drew from Meister Eckhart’s work. While I had been familiar with Meister Eckhart’s name, this was the first time he became significant for me and I decided I should make a serious attempt to study his works. After twenty five years of prevarication I have discovered an excellent entry point!

Click here for the full review.

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GreenSpirit Book Series

Our popular GreenSpirit Book Series is growing with over 750 book sales last year – a record number. 

Here is the full list of the series. Which title grabs your eye?

  • What is Green Spirituality?
  • All Our Relations: GreenSpirit connections with the more-than-human world
  • The Universe Story in Science and Myth
  • Rivers of Green Wisdom: Exploring Christian and Yogic Earth-Centred Spirituality
  • Pathways of Green Wisdom: Discovering Earth-Centred Teachings in Spiritual and Religious Traditions
  • Deep Green Living
  • The Rising Water Project: Real Stories of Flooding, Real Stories of Downshifting
  • Dark Nights of the Green Soul: From Darkness to New Horizons
  • Awakening to Earth-Centred Consciousness: Selection from GreenSpirit Magazine
  • GreenSpirit Reflections
  • Anthology of Poems for GreenSpirits
  • The Lilypad List: Seven Steps to the Simple Life
  • Meditations with Thomas Berry: With additional material by Brian Swimme

Browse all of these titles here:

If you are a GreenSpirit member, you can obtain the ebook versions for free here:

(If you need your username and password, please reply to this email requesting them).

You can also buy your own individual copies, whether printed or ebook versions. The relevant links are by each book in the listing here:

Make a Difference One Small Step at a Time

There are so many little things we can all do to reduce our impact on Planet Earth, live more ethically and lower our carbon footprint to help reduce climate change. It may seem overwhelming but by tackling things one small step at a time we can all make a difference. In each newsletter we’ll focus on just one action you can think about tackling today.

Mobile Phone

Most people have mobile phones these days but many involve the mining of rare minerals with unethical practices, using slave labour and destroying habitats. The world’s most ethical phone is the Fairphone ( with a tariff from the Phone Co-op (

You can explore a whole range of other possibilities in our Green Action Toolkit at:

Join GreenSpirit

Including the magazine, GreenSpirit calendar: living with the seasons, GreenSpirit members email newsletter and many other advantages.

£24 per annum or £12 for internet (paperless) subscribers or concessionary rate in the UK.

Click here
to find out more and to join


Free book when you join GreenSpirit!

Join GreenSpirit and you will receive a free copy of What is Green Spirituality? along with the GreenSpirit magazine, calendar and all of the other advantages of membership. See all of the advantages of membership here:

What is Green Spirituality? describes and illustrates, through the well-blended voices of thirteen writers, the basic concepts and expressions of this growing kind of spiritual attitude in today’s world – what it is, where it comes from and who practises it. More details at:

To join GreenSpirit, click on the link below:

GreenSpirit 2024 Calendar: Living with the Seasons

January Image and Quotation

Photo © Jenny Leslie

So, let us move forward with faith in ourselves, in our intelligence, in our indomitable spirit.
Let us develop respect for all living things.
Let us try to replace violence and intolerance with understanding and compassion and love.

~ Jane Goodall

GreenSpirit Annual Gathering 2024

Date for your diary

18th - 20th October 2024

Shallowford House, Shallowford, Stone, Staffs. ST15 0NZ

More details in due course.

GreenSpirit Local Groups

A full list of local groups is here:

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East London

Exploring Healing - 18th January 2024 at 10:30am
It seems that human beings are capable of far more than most of us previously realised. Two of us are already exploring self-healing and healing others using energy, touch, intention and kinesiology. We’re influenced by Joe Dispenza, Bradley Nelson, Lynne McTaggart, Richard Gordon, EFT and others…. I’m wondering whether there are others locally (East London, UK) who want to join in and meet together (maybe once a month) sometimes to see what we have experienced and know about healing like: self-care, listening to the body, self-limiting beliefs, nutrition, plant medicine, cutting ties, energy (inc. sound, scents and colours) forgiveness, setting intentions, and maybe create intentions, try some hands on healing and to learn together… We are planning our first meeting on January 18th 2024 at 10.30 am. If you let me know if you are interested in joining us, I’ll send the exact address. Hilary (text 07957318501). The facebook event is here:

Imbolc - Saturday February 3rd 2024 6pm for a simple meal and 7pm for the ritual. (Ian’s house: 137 Ham Park Road, London, E7 9LE)
Imbolc, also known as Candlemas, occurs at the beginning of February. It marks the middle of Winter and holds the promise of Spring. Please bring any readings, songs, seasonal foliage and a candle. Contact Hilary or Ian if you would like to come, it helps with catering.

Full details of these events with contact details are here:

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Ryedale and Yorkshire Coast Group

The season of Imbolc will soon be with us, rich in opportunities to build on our individual and collective dreams that we have nurtured and cherished during the dark Winter months spent around our symbolic firesides. Whatever your dreams and aspirations, our Imbolc celebration provides a great opportunity to sweep away the negativity and herald in the sparkling joy of oncoming Spring. Join us for our GreenSpirit gathering on Sunday 28th January, 4pm, Malton. More details to follow…

Click here for details of the event on facebook.

Click here for this local group's webpage which includes contact details.

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Help with Local Groups

If you would like some mentoring around starting or running a local group, Chris Newsam (newcircles12(at) or tel: 01653 693913) is happy to help.

Hilary Norton
(hnorton(at) or tel: 07957 318501) is happy to help update your website presence on the GreenSpirit local groups website:

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Starting up a GreenSpirit Local Group

Have you thought of starting up your own GreenSpirit Local Group? People are often looking for meaningful contact with others who share green spiritual values. You can style your group in the way that you want, be that following the Celtic Wheel of the Year, meditations, reading group, walks in Nature, discussion group, circle dances – or whatever it is that inspires you. Here are some ideas for meetings:

And here is a page with ideas for online/zoom meetings:

And this is what you need to do to start a local group:

If you want to know more or have any questions about starting a GreenSpirit group, please contact:

Hilary Norton:
hilarynorton(at) tel: 07957 318501
Chris Newsam:
newcircles12(at) tel: 01653 693913
Ian Mowll:
info(at) tel: 0208 552 2096

Other News

Once we truly understand that we are the Earth, that the Earth is a living, conscious being and that it is NOT all about us; we shall surely recognise that our health and Gaia's health are not just connected but utterly intertwined, joined and interdependent. They are one and the same. Our healing and the wellbeing of all life are dependent on Gaia's healing. Neither we nor any other living organism can be healthy unless Gaia is healthy

~ Sky McCain

Quotation from Deep Green Living edited by Marian Van Eyk McCain.

Sixth title in the GreenSpirit book series, which is a low-cost series that offers ebook editions ‘free’ for members of GreenSpirit.

For more details of this book visit the GreenSpirit Book Series web page here.

Or find out about the whole book series on the facebook page here.

A revised mid-price eBook edition of 'Spirituality Unveiled'.

Spirituality Unveiled: Awakening to Creative Life

by Santoshan (aka Stephen Wollaston)

'Spirituality Unveiled' puts forward a succinct and compelling synthesis of numerous spiritual traditions. While weaving together insights from contemporary and past masters of spirituality, along with holistic and Earth centred wisdom, it beautifully highlights teachings about the essentials of creative unfoldment. It invites readers to join in the important search to find a healthy interaction with life. Key areas include the power of creativity, the effects of positive and negative actions, and harmonious living with the natural world.

This is an example of integral thinking at its best. Santoshan has achieved a masterful synthesis. ~ Marian Van Eyk McCain, East-West psychologist and editor of 'GreenSpirit: Path to a New Consciousness'.

This is a timely book which points a way forward. It also puts God’s beautiful creation back at the heart of our relation with the divine. ~ June Raymond, compiler of 'Meditations with Thomas Berry' and a Sister of Notre Dame.

Click here for the book review.

To buy the book click here or here.

Soul Guidance for 2024

Free online session: Wed Jan 24, 7.30-9.00pm

Led by Alan Heeks and Karim Hadden

This is a chance to centre yourself for the year ahead: to connect with your divine essence and explore what qualities to embody, and how you can best serve the highest good. Neil Douglas-Klotz says, "Creation is not a distant historical event, but an ongoing process we shape together. Our divine job description is to discern our part, and play it." We will use Dances of Universal Peace, and processes and meditations drawn largely from the Sufi tradition. To reserve a place, please contact Alan Heeks,

Natural Happiness: Use Gardening Skills to Cultivate Yourself

Facilitated by Alan Heeks
April 19-21, 2024 at Hawkwood Centre for Future Thinking, Stroud

In these uncertain times, this workshop will help you deepen your roots and grow your resilience. With sessions in Hawkwood’s gardens, you’ll experience how organic skills like composting, mulching, and co-creativity can feed your wellbeing amid daily stresses and big issues like climate change. Based on Alan’s new book, which harvests his work in organic farming and forestry.

Alan has been exploring resilience with people and nature for many years, and has led many groups on this theme, drawing on experience of resilient natural systems from creating an organic farm and setting up Hazel Hill Wood, near Salisbury. For more info and bookings click here.

Spring Forward 2024: An Inside/Outside Retreat

28th – 31st March 2024 

At The Barn in the Dyfi Valley, Near Machynlleth, Mid Wales, UK 

With Facilitator Guides/Artists: Fern Smith & Philip Ralph

Spring Forward 2024 is a respectfully held, spacious, guided, small-group retreat intended to support an intentional decision to: ‘Step into the Light, Marking the Moment, Making an Intention.’ The retreat takes place to coincide with that special time in the UK when the clocks are turned forward one hour and we mark the start of ‘British Summer Time’.

This is an extra special year in that the Spring Forward retreat also coincides with the Easter weekend. This gives the retreat a particular focus of also being available to noticing and marking what is ‘dying’ and what is ‘being born’ in you.

Click here
for more information.

The Element Festivals: Celebrating Nature's Fundamental Forces

The Element Festivals are a series of annual events, each dedicated to one of the four Western Elements – Air, Fire, Water, and Earth. These Festivals provide individuals and groups with an opportunity to express their gratitude, connection, and reverence for Elements that play a role in spiritual and daily life.

Each of the four Element Festivals is dedicated to honouring and celebrating the power of the respective Element. Participants are encouraged to engage in various activities, such as rituals, artwork creation, parties, environmental and conservation activities or simply appreciating and connecting with the specific Element.

The Festivals are spaced throughout the year, not too close to existing festivals and seasonally relevant to the UK.

Key Dates:

  • Festival of Air: Spring, the Sunday closest to February 23rd.
  • Festival of Fire: Summer, the Sunday closest to May 25th.
  • Festival of Water: Autumn, the Sunday closest to August 20th.
  • Festival of Earth: Winter, the Sunday closest to November 25th.

The inaugural Festival of Air is set to take place on February 25th, 2024.

For additional information, please get in touch with Adrian:

Changing our Minds: Learning to be Ecozoic

A season of free on-line conversations from St James' Piccadilly, London.

We are living in a polycrisis that threatens to overwhelm us. We need profound change in our understanding and behaviour if future generations are to have a liveable future. The ancient Greeks’ had a word for this kind of change: Metanoia, a transformative change of heart or spiritual conversion.

Thanks to the generosity of our conversationalists these events are offered free of charge. Each session starts at 6.00pm UK time and lasts about 75 minutes.

Our conversationalists:

In conversation with Dr Lyla June Johnston, Diné Nation

Sunday 18 February 6pm GMT
Indigenous sciences of sustainability: ancient native food systems & their lessons for the future

In conversation with Prof Jim Perkinson and Prof Lily Mendoza

Sunday 10 March 6pm GMT
Indigenous sacralities underneath state ideologies: reading the bible, reading modernity

In conversation with Sandy Bigtree, Mohawk Nation, and Prof Philip P Arnold

Sunday 14 April 6pm BST
Changing Our Minds

For full details and how to register, go to:

Spring in the Vegan Garden

Veganic gardener and author, Piers Warren, shares how he creates fertility and biodiversity in his vegan garden, and how he prepares the new growing season.

Click here for the article.

Sometimes, it can be a great help to hear from kindred spirits about their ideas and stories. Through this, I know that I am not alone on my quest; others have trodden a similar path and my suffering becomes less detached. I feel I am part of the flow of the spiritual river and I feel connected once again.
~ Ian Mowll

Quotation from Dark Nights of the Green Soul. Edited by Ian Mowll and Santoshan (Stephen Wollaston)

Eighth title in the GreenSpirit book series, which is a low-cost series that offers ebook editions ‘free’ for members of GreenSpirit.

For more details of this book visit the GreenSpirit Book Series web page here.

Or find out about the whole book series on the facebook page here.

In Brief

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66 Good News Stories You Didn't Hear About in 2023

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A Year in the Life of a Solutionist

News from Nicola Peel for 2023 including news of her podcast.

Click here
for the newsletter.

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Veganic Gardeners Question Time

Free online event.

Thursday 25th January 2024
7pm-7.45pm UK Time


Watch for free at:

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The Ecozoic Way

Understanding and Applying the Essential Teachings of Thomas Berry
with Herman Greene, JD, DMin
Eight Week Course
March 4, 11, 18, 25; April 1, 8, 15, 22 (7:00 – 9:00 PM Eastern Time - USA)

Click here for full details.

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2023 confirmed as world's hottest year on record

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BBC Earth Experience


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Listen, Water Brings a Message

Ayla Schafer

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The Collected Thoughts of Thomas Berry

Part 3: Where Do We Go From Here?

Click here for the article.

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Our Lady of Christ the Earth

Luke Healy

Click here for the article.

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Should we all be vegan?

Tuesday 30 January 2024
8pm-9.15pm (GMT)

Online event by the Guardian Newspaper
Click here for details.

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137 Ham Park Road, Forest Gate, London
United Kingdom

You received this email because you signed up on our website or joined GreenSpirit.
