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GreenSpirit Newsletter

~ We are a network of people who practise loving our living planet ~

April 2024

The GreenSpirit Magazine is celebrating its 25th year this year with a special anniversary edition of the magazine.

GreenSpirit Spring 2024 Magazine


The GreenSpirit Spring 2024 magazine is out - full of news and articles with the theme Transformation. This is a Special 25th Year Anniversary edition of the magazine. The contents includes:

* Reflections on the Magazine ~ The Publications Team
* Redeeming a Rubbish Dump: some lessons learned ~ Catherine Robinson
* Reviews: Agnes Samson. Wise Woman… Witch? ~ Jenny Leslie
* Thrutopia: Creating a New Story for a World in Transition ~ Manda Scott
* My Vision for the Future ~ Joan Angus
* Spring (poem) ~ Erna Colebrook
* GreenSpirit Interviews ~ Joan Angus interviews Ian Mowll
* History of GreenSpirit Magazine ~ Chris Holmes
* Places ~ Chris Hannington
* Homemade Baked Beans (recipe) ~ Piers Warren
* Grow Your Own: Beans – French ~ Piers Warren
* Cosmic Mass ~ Mary Plaster
* In Praise of Stillness ~ Peter Quince
* Books in Brief: Earth: Over 4 Billion Years in the Making / Journey to Hopeful Futures / Walks for Mind and Spirit / The Flow / Ways of Being / Not Too Late
* It Can Be Explained (poem) ~ Peter Watkins

If you are a GreenSpirit member in the UK, you should have received your magazine (overseas mailings can vary in time). If you are not a member and you would like to have a copy of the magazine, you can join GreenSpirit and continue to receive future magazines and the GreenSpirit calendar. Or you can buy an individual copy of the magazine here.

Snowdonia 5 Day Retreat

At Cae Mabon, Fachwen, Llanberis, Gwynedd. LL55 3HB

Friday 30th August to Wednesday 4th September 2024

Reconnect with your body and unwind in nature, walk with friends, breathe fresh air, listen to birdsong, wander in shady oak woods and wild swim in a glistening lake whenever you feel like it, to say nothing of sharing delicious vegan and vegetarian food, songs and stories round the fire and a hot tub beside the rushing stream.

This event is now open for bookings. For full details and how to book, go to:

Beltane - online

Monday 29th April at 19:00

Summer is on its way! Everywhere is vibrant with colour and growth. Beltane, the beginning of summer, is a time for new growth and energy, births and abundance. Let’s meet to remember how & why our ancestors celebrated this time of the year. We will share some meditation and some divination using cards. If you wish, bring a seasonal story/ poem/ song/ tune to share. You may want to prepare by collecting some twigs or flowers for your Beltane altar, or even some vines & ribbons woven into a May crown/wreath/garland.

The facebook event is at:

Join us on Zoom to celebrate the Spring Equinox. The zoom details are:

Meeting ID: 840 7941 4983

Passcode: 413541

Summer Solstice - online

Monday 17th June at 19:00

For the Summer Solstice we will celebrate the great bounty of this time of year and the fire that energises and feeds us; please bring something seasonal to share (poems, stories, songs, recipes, gardening tips) and feel free to wear something bright and sunny.

The facebook event is at:

Join us on Zoom to celebrate the Summer Solstice. The zoom details are:

Meeting ID: 840 7941 4983

Passcode: 413541

Anam Cara – Online - Daytime

Fortnightly (1st and 3rd Wednesday of each month at 10am except sometimes in school holidays). Next meetings:

Wednesday 17th April 10:00am

Wednesday 1st May 10:00am

Wednesday 15th May 10:00am

Wednesday 5th June 10:00am

Wednesday 19th June 10:00am

A gathering of souls who sense they are on a journey; for companionship and support.

Discover and behold one another at the level of the heart. Creating/developing friendships we will extend compassion and aspire toward an authentic, organic spiritual transformational connection of mutual empowerment and blessing — “giving by receiving” and “receiving by giving”. We will begin each session with a check-in and the creation of sacred space, (with meditation, a reading or silence). Then, maybe with the help of some questions we will share from our hearts and witness the sharing of others.

The zoom link details are:

Meeting ID: 829 3206 2741

Passcode:   834410

Conversation Cafe - online

Tuesday 23rd April 19:00 - 20:15

Jenny Joyce & Hilary Norton invite you to join our "Conversation Café" - a simple, hospitable, empathetic space where feelings & uncertainties about our future and the complexities of our world can be safely expressed. World events impact us all in many ways, and it can be hard to share our thoughts and feelings. We don't have the answers, but sharing helps us to build some resilience to deal with inevitable changes. This is an advice-free zone where all feelings are welcome!

Feel free to bring a cuppa, biscuits, etc.

For the zoom link, contact Hilary Norton at:

Books that Helped

GreenSpirit now has a webpage about book titles that members have found beneficial in understanding what green wisdom means for them and how the books have helped – sometimes in different ways to other members and sometimes choosing the same title as another. Members are limited to a short word count for highlighting three key works they found important for their green spirituality and practices. It is a new page that will obviously expand over time as other members share titles that helped them. Click the following link to see members recommendations:

Video: Beltane - the Celtic May Day Festival - the Beginning of Summer

Enter into the experience and meaning of Beltane through this short, meditative video. Midway between the Spring Equinox and Summer Solstice, Beltane is one of the eight Celtic festivals in the year. It signifies the beginning of summer.

Click here to watch the video:

Please like and subscribe if you'd like to see more!

See a page with all of the celebrations through the year here:

And a playlist of all of the celebrations here: 

Produced in 2022 by Piers Warren (

Green Spirituality in Faith Traditions

Click here
for the webpage.

Part of GreenSpirit’s vision honours wisdom traditions of all ages, especially Earth-centred teachings. This webpage is a selection of past and present quotes from various people about our interrelationship with the natural world.

The webpage also has informative links to other websites connecting with the themes of the page.

There is now a leaflet (image below) which you can download here and print off. Or reply to this email requesting some copies (in the UK).

With thanks to Stephen Wollaston (Santoshan) for creating this page and leaflet.

GreenSpirit Book

Review of:

Anthology of Poems for GreenSpirits

Compiled by Joan Angus

Click here for the review by Stephen Wollaston aka Santoshan.

This is a collection of poetry written by people who are spiritually green, expressing their love of Mother Gaia and the community of the Natural World. The book is loosely arranged in sections to represent different aspects of Earth-centred life and death. The poems were lovingly gathered from the poets’ personal collections and from some previously published in GreenSpirit magazines, as well as those contributed by friends and family. It is a book for browsing or dipping into; thought provoking, uplifting and meditational.

Click here for the review by Stephen Wollaston aka Santoshan.

Click here for more details of this book and how to buy it.

Browse all of the titles in the GreenSpirit book series here:

Make a Difference One Small Step at a Time

There are so many little things we can all do to reduce our impact on Planet Earth, live more ethically and lower our carbon footprint to help reduce climate change. It may seem overwhelming but by tackling things one small step at a time we can all make a difference. In each newsletter we’ll focus on just one action you can think about tackling today.

Save Water

This is important not just to ensure our reservoirs and water sources don’t run dry, but also because the cleaning, transportation and heating of water all use energy, which in turn contributes to climate change. Installing a water meter helps focus the mind, and you may find yourself paying less than before. Gather rainwater for the garden, shower more than taking baths, don’t run the tap while brushing your teeth, only wash clothes when you have a full load are just a few of the many ways you can save water in the house.

You can explore a whole range of other possibilities in our Green Action Toolkit at:

Join GreenSpirit

Including the magazine, GreenSpirit calendar: living with the seasons, GreenSpirit members email newsletter and many other advantages.

£24 per annum or £12 for internet (paperless) subscribers or concessionary rate in the UK.

Click here
to find out more and to join


Free book when you join GreenSpirit!

Join GreenSpirit and you will receive a free copy of What is Green Spirituality? along with the GreenSpirit magazine, calendar and all of the other advantages of membership. See all of the advantages of membership here:

What is Green Spirituality? describes and illustrates, through the well-blended voices of thirteen writers, the basic concepts and expressions of this growing kind of spiritual attitude in today’s world – what it is, where it comes from and who practises it. More details at:

To join GreenSpirit, click on the link below:

Gift Subscriptions

Why not give a gift subscription to someone you know? You can give a gift a membership subscription to anyone in the UK who is 18 or over – they will receive the GreenSpirit magazine, GreenSpirit calendar: living with the seasons and all of the other advantages of membership. To find and more and start a gift subscription, go to:

GreenSpirit 2024 Calendar: Living with the Seasons

April Image and Quotation

Photo © Tom Court

The whole world is a series of miracles, but we're so used to them we call them ordinary things.
~ Hans Christian Andersen

GreenSpirit Annual Gathering 2024

Date for your diary:

18th - 20th October 2024

Shallowford House, Shallowford, Stone, Staffs. ST15 0NZ

More details in due course.

GreenSpirit Local Groups

A full list of local groups is here:

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East London

Exploring Healing 

Thursday 18th April 10:30am

It seems that human beings are capable of far more than most of us previously realised. Two of us are already exploring self-healing and healing others using energy, touch, intention and kinesiology. We’re influenced by Joe Dispenza, Bradley Nelson, Lynne McTaggart, Richard Gordon, EFT and others…Full details and contact details at:

Beltane …a fireside Celebration
Saturday 4th May 2024 at 19:00. 33 Park Road, Stratford, E15 3QP
Summer is on its way! Everywhere is vibrant with colour and growth. Beltane, the beginning of summer, is a time for new growth and energy, births and abundance. Let’s meet around the fire to remember how & why our ancestors celebrated this time of the year. We will share some meditation and if you wish, bring a seasonal story/ poem/ song/ tune to share. You may want to prepare by collecting some twigs or flowers for our Beltane altar, or even some vines & ribbons woven into a May crown/wreath/garland. The facebook event is here:

Summer Solstice

Friday 21st June at 18:30. 33 Park Road, Stratford, E15 3QP
For the Summer Solstice we will celebrate the great bounty of this time of year and the fire that energises and feeds us; and around a garden bonfire (if weather ok). Bring some poems, stories, songs, etc and maybe food to share; and we will make our own ritual. We will celebrate the turning of the Wheel of the Year. Full details at:

Green Fair

We will be at the Newham Green Fair on Monday 6th May 11:00am - 4pm at West Ham Park (near the band stand) with a stall, kids activities, talk about herbalism and Universe Story walk. 

More details of the East London group and its events are here:

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Ryedale & Yorkshire Coast

Join us in celebrating the:

Festival of Beltaine

Sunday 28th April 4:00pm to 6:00pm

Friends Meeting House, Greengate, Malton YO17 7EN.

Summer is a comin in! Stories, poetry, crafts, music, sharing, meaning. This ancient festival, known in modern days as MayDay, celebrates life, energy and the fire within. Bring and share tea if you can. Veggie/vegan please. For info, contact Chris or Janice on 01653 693913.

Click here for the facebook post.

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Beltane - 6th May
Beltane is for magic, mystery and growing things. We celebrate zest for life as nature is rampant in a rush of blossom and greenery. We plan a walk around Braziers Park (weather permitting) and will attend Braziers Park May Fayre (drivers need to book and pay parking fee). For contact information and more details of this group, click here.

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Help with Local Groups

If you would like some mentoring around starting or running a local group, Chris Newsam (newcircles12(at) or tel: 01653 693913) is happy to help.

Hilary Norton
(hnorton(at) or tel: 07957 318501) is happy to help update your website presence on the GreenSpirit local groups website:

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Starting up a GreenSpirit Local Group

Have you thought of starting up your own GreenSpirit Local Group? People are often looking for meaningful contact with others who share green spiritual values. You can style your group in the way that you want, be that following the Celtic Wheel of the Year, meditations, reading group, walks in Nature, discussion group, circle dances – or whatever it is that inspires you. Here are some ideas for meetings:

And here is a page with ideas for online/zoom meetings:

And this is what you need to do to start a local group:

If you want to know more or have any questions about starting a GreenSpirit group, please contact:

Hilary Norton:
hilarynorton(at) tel: 07957 318501
Chris Newsam:
newcircles12(at) tel: 01653 693913
Ian Mowll:
info(at) tel: 0208 552 2096

Talks about GreenSpirit and Green Spirituality

Want to find out more about GreenSpirit and green spirituality? 3 people offer talks which can be done in-person or often online.

To find out more, click on this link:

Other News

“Life has brought us forth. Life is sustaining us. Life in the form of bees who pollinate, trees who oxygenate, the oceanic phytoplankton who help to control the world’s climate, each being playing their part in this interconnected and interdependent web.
~ Greg Morter and Niamh Brennan.

Quotation from The Universe Story in Science and Myth by Greg Morter and Niamh Brennan. Third title in the GreenSpirit Book Series, which is a low-cost series that offers ebook editions ‘free’ for members of GreenSpirit.

For more details of this book visit the GreenSpirit Book Series web page here.

Or find out about the whole book series on the facebook page here.

A Sufi Garden: online group 

Wednesday 15th May, 7.30pm

Led by Alan Heeks and Karim Hadden

Buds bursting to blossom

May is typically a peak season of growth in Nature, when the blossoms show us the promise of future fruits to come. This evening, we invite you to contact and express the creative power in you, imagining your own natural growth as part of the ongoing process of divine creation. We will explore this theme with devotional movement, chant and other Sufi practices. And we invite you to bring some drawing and writing materials. Free online event, no experience necessary. For bookings or enquiries contact Alan Heeks:

Artists and Disability Oppression

My name is Lesley Illingworth, I am a fine art textile artist, disability activist and blogger. My installation work called Artists and Disability Oppression Up Close and Intensive has been accepted for an exhibition in the Upper Waiting Room of the House of Commons. I am a independent artist who has self-funded this project after receiving an emergence bursary from DAiSY Surrey disability arts in 2020. I am looking for funding towards self standing exhibition equipment, publicity material and a private view.

Please help me to achieve this venture - you can make your donation here.

Soil to Soul - Reconnect to Nature & Rewild Your Soul

15th June 2024 – £90 per person

Join farmers and eco-therapists Tom Mettyear and Mark Sparrow on their organic, regenerative & nature-based Dorset farm, enhancing your connection with nature, farming, food, health and the vitality of your soul.

On this immersive day on an inspiring farm, you will have the chance to move into a still and peaceful space where you can begin to understand more intimately your relationship with nature and your own true nature. Through sensory experience, nature walks, guided observation and supported meditation, you will have the opportunity to absorb the health & vitality of the land and the chance to sink into a new relationship with the more-than-human world around you. Along the way you will enjoy fabulous food grown, foraged & prepared on the farm.

For a truly immersive experience, the farm campsite will be open on the nights before and after this event exclusively for participants. You can either pitch your tent for free or for £15 per person hire one a beautiful bell tents (you will need to bring your own bedding).

To book please visit or email

Saving the Ecuadorean Amazon and Cloud Forest at the AGM of charity Rainforest Saver

Saturday 20th April 2024 2:30pm - 5:30pm

Islington Ecology Centre, London. N5 1PH

A talk by Solutionist Nicola Peel and Professor Martin Lukac
To be followed by the AGM of Rainforest Saver charity

This event is free and if you can not attend in person you can apply to watch online.

Nicola Peel has been working in Ecuador for over 20 years and is a trustee for Rainforest Saver. She will give a photographic presentation about the wonders of these forests and what the charity Rainforest Saver are doing to help them.

By teaching a form of regenerative agriculture called Inga Alley Cropping this method of agroforestry restores degraded ground so that local people are not driven to further deforestation.

Full details and tickets at:

Soul Pod Harmony

Sacred Journeys ~ Deerhurst & Odda’s Chapel

In this second episode, Kelly and Helen visit the small hamlet of Deerhurst, on the banks of the River Severn, two miles from Tewkesbury in Gloucestershire, UK. It has an amazing Anglo Saxon Church - The Priory of St Mary - and a chapel, built by Earl Odda in 1056 to honour his brother who died in Deerhurst. See the video here:

See the youtube channel here:

And the facebook page here:

Changing our Minds: Learning to be Ecozoic

A season of free on-line conversations from St James' Piccadilly, London.

We are living in a polycrisis that threatens to overwhelm us. We need profound change in our understanding and behaviour if future generations are to have a liveable future. The ancient Greeks’ had a word for this kind of change: Metanoia, a transformative change of heart or spiritual conversion.

Thanks to the generosity of our conversationalists these events are offered free of charge. Each session starts at 6.00pm UK time and lasts about 75 minutes.

Our final conversationalists:

In conversation with Dr Lyla June Johnston, Diné nation
Sunday 21st April 6:00 PM BST
Indigenous sciences of sustainability: ancient native food systems and their lessons for the future

For full details and how to register, go to:

Permaculture Magazine

Permaculture: Earth care, people care, future care at: gives you the tools needed to create productive and resilient homes, gardens, economies, universities, schools, farms and communities.

Our range of articles includes no-dig gardening, food forests, community projects, renewable technologies, regenerative agriculture, DIY & upcycling projects, natural building, education and wellbeing.

All print subscriptions come with free Digital and App access to every back issue - searchable by subject, so that’s over 30 years of content at your fingertips. Subscribers also receive exclusive offers on our award winning books. It's the ideal research tool for teachers, students, designers, practitioners and activists alike.

As well as the print and digital magazine, you can also view our vibrant YouTube channel:

Latest issue:

This timely cover highlights how vital it is to harvest water and positively combat increasing climate shocks worldwide – be it flooding, droughts or wildfires. Plus:
* Create a rooftop garden
* Top tips for growing your own food in any sized space
* Regenerative agriculture explained
* A market garden that feeds 200 families
* How to permaculture your university
* Must read books ideal for activists, designers and growers, students and tutors alike.

The Element Festivals: Celebrating Nature's Fundamental Forces

Next Festival - Festival of Fire - Sunday 26th May

The Element Festivals are a series of annual events, each dedicated to one of the four Western Elements – Air, Fire, Water, and Earth. These Festivals provide individuals and groups with an opportunity to express their gratitude, connection, and reverence for Elements that play a role in spiritual and daily life.

Each of the four Element Festivals is dedicated to honouring and celebrating the power of the respective Element. Participants are encouraged to engage in various activities, such as rituals, artwork creation, parties, environmental and conservation activities or simply appreciating and connecting with the specific Element.

The Festivals are spaced throughout the year, not too close to existing festivals and seasonally relevant to the UK.

Key Dates:

Festival of Air: Spring, the Sunday closest to February 23rd.
Festival of Fire: Summer, the Sunday closest to May 25th.
Festival of Water: Autumn, the Sunday closest to August 20th.
Festival of Earth: Winter, the Sunday closest to November 25th.

For additional information, please get in touch with Adrian:

Creation Spirituality Communities

Reimagining our Story, Hope for the New Humanity

~ The Gathering 2024 ~

Friday, 31st May 4:00pm – Sunday, 2nd June 1:00pm

Cape Cod, Massachusetts, USA

With an in-depth exploration of the new humanity in the evolving Cosmos.
With Keynote speakers Matthew Fox and Brian Swimme

Click on the link below for the flyer:

Click on the link below for registration including live stream option:

Image © Matt Jones 024/ 

Turning onto one side, the whale gazes up at me through the water; looking down into her dark eye, ringed with folds of skin, I meet the lucid and tranquil gaze of an ancestor, one of the ancient ones of the Earth. I feel her taking me out, far out, of thought and linear time, beyond the limited concerns of my ordinary mind, into a profound sense of meeting with another being, whose consciousness is not separate from my own.

~ Eleanor O'Hanlon

Quotation from All Our Relations Edited by Marian Van Eyk McCain.

2nd title in the GreenSpirit Book Series, which is a low-cost series that offers ebook editions ‘free’ for members of GreenSpirit.

For more details of this book visit the GreenSpirit Book Series web page here.

Or find out about the whole book series on the facebook page here

In Brief

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Gaiarcadia Summit

Birth of the Gaianthropecene
20th and 21st April 2024
By zoom - this is an event in the USA

Including Our Cosmic Journey to GaiaSelf
with Brian Swimme, Elisabet Sahtouris, Mary E. Tucker and more.

Free event. Full details and registration here:

and here:

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Earth Day

Monday 22nd April 2024

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Faith for the Climate

Network Meeting
Wednesday 17th April 2024
1pm - 2pm BST online

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Exhibition: The Goddess, the Deity & the Cyborg

Murray Edwards College, Huntingdon Road, Cambridge. CB3 0DF

8th March - 8th September

Including art work by GreenSpirit member Juliet Wimhurst

Click here for details.

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Resurgence Summer Camp

Friday 12th - Sunday 14th July 2024

Green & Away, The Fold, Bransford, Worcester, WR6 5JB

Click here for full details.

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Cana Conscious Conversations

Saturday 20th April 2024, 10.30-12.30 by zoom

Diarmuid O’Murchu

‘Exploring spirituality today’

Click here for more details.

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Luminosity 2.0 The Evolution

A Music-Alchemy Journey into the creativity of the cosmos, the wonder of the universe and the miracle that is your human life.

21st April 2024 7:00pm

St Peter's Church, Northchurch Church Terrace, London N1 4DA

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Shamanism & The Shamanic Journey

a free course

by The Way of the Buzzard

Click here for more details.

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The Collected Thoughts of Thomas Berry; Part 5: Creative Celebration

The Yale Forum on Religion and Ecology is releasing a collection of rare audio recordings of Thomas Berry in conversation with Brian Thomas Swimme. Click on the link below for the recordings.

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The Long Time Academy

Interesting podcasts about deep time.
Here is the first podcast:

Click on "listen" (top left of the webpage) for further podcasts or search on Spotify etc.

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137 Ham Park Road, Forest Gate, London
United Kingdom

You received this email because you signed up on our website or joined GreenSpirit.
